

"Applied Photonics Award" 2024

On Septmeber 26, young researchers were again honored with the "Applied Photonics Award" for their outstanding theses.  


Interview with award winner Tobias Weitz

On October 12, 2023, Tobias Weitz received the Fraunhofer IOF Young Talent Award in the category "Prize of the Jury for Basic Research Work in an Important Future Field of the Modern Information Society" at the "Photonics Days Jena 2023".


Interviews with
the new winners

Learn more about the previous winners and their topics for which they have been awarded the Applied Photonics Award.

About the "Applied Photonics Award"
How can I apply?

As key technologies, optics and photonics contribute to solving challenges facing mankind today. The Applied Photonics Award was created to recognize particularly original and innovative theses that address the topics of applied photonics. The "Applied Photonics Award" is a prize for the promotion of young researchers for theses that are particularly relevant in the field of applied photonics. The award is organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena. The institute has been conducting application-oriented research in the field of photonics for over 30 years and develops innovative optical systems for controlling light.

You can apply for the Applied Photonics Award annually from April 1 to June 30. Eligible are all bachelor, master, diploma theses as well as dissertations (German/English), which have been registered at a German university or college and have been evaluated by the supervisor/appraiser in the current calendar year or in the previous year. The thesis must be considered passed by the time the application is submitted. Applicants can come from a wide range of disciplines - from mathematics or chemistry to applied optics and physics to materials or life sciences.

The “Applied Photonics Award” is honored with prize money. All award winners also have the opportunity to present their thesis to a broad specialist audience.

You can find more detailed information about the application process here.    

The Jury

The Applied Photonics Award is intended to honor work that deals with innovative and economically viable optical technologies for sustainable living and business. For this reason, the jury consists of various representatives from industry and science.

The Sponsors 2024

This year's Applied Photonics Award is again being presented with the kind support of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), the State Development Corporation of Thuringia as well as the companies JENOPTIK, TRUMPF and Huawei Technologies.

The Organizer

The Applied Photonics Award is organized by the Fraunhofer Society (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V.) and its Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF.

The "Applied Photonics Award" in Social Networks

Instagram: @applied.photonics.award


Would your company / university / research institution etc. like to draw the attention of potentially interested applicants to the call for applications? We look forward to your support and are happy to provide you with our social media kit templates for use in your social networks and at virtual events.

Social Media Kit 2025

Call for Entries 2025